Transforming Family Services in Scotland: Supporting Whole Family Approaches
Whole Family Support is an area of significant ongoing activity in Scotland. The Scottish Government has committed to investing hundreds of millions of pounds to support transformative systems change towards prevention and early intervention, and children’s services planning partnerships (CSPPs) in local authorities across the country have been tasked with leading this shift in the years ahead.
At Horizons Research, we have a wide range of forms of support to offer those involved with implementing whole family approaches in service delivery.
Currently, we are supporting CSPPs in South Ayrshire and Perth & Kinross in relation to whole family support, including through carrying out systems mapping exercises to understand current family-related provision, identifying areas where further work is needed to move local services closer in line with the ten principles of whole family support, and setting out a range of evidence-based actions for CSPPs to consider to promote and better implement whole family approaches.
Our team also offers systems leadership sessions focussed on collaborative practice, relationships and other key principles of whole family support, as well as organisational development work aimed at promoting understanding of whole family approaches and related issues across system boundaries.
Finally, our research expertise enables us to inform our work with an understanding of both the policy context and of what good practice looks like across Scotland, the UK and further afield, while also providing us with the tools to assist with the evaluation of pilots, tests of change and other initiatives as regards their impact in relation to whole family support.
If you would like to speak with us to learn more or to explore how we may be able to support you in this area, please contact us.