Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Bringing more diverse voices into the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland’s plans for a new Heritage Hub
Bringing more diverse voices into the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland’s plans for a new Heritage Hub
To identify and appraise different options for a new Scottish Centre of Excellence for Infant Mental Health
To produce a comprehensive collation of the policy recommendations and research findings of the Carnegie UK Trust since 2011
At Horizons Research, we have a wide range of forms of support to offer those involved with implementing whole family approaches in service delivery
undertake a Learning Review through Action Inquiry / Action Research with South Ayrshire ADP
produce a report analysing all responses to the Scottish Government’s consultation on draft Space Strategies Regulations and draft Play Sufficiency Assessments Regulations
provide deeper understanding of the ways in which their funding streams have impacted upon museums and galleries in Scotland
produce theories of change and logic models for six early years services in Southend-on-Sea
a systems mapping exercise visually representing the main ‘touchpoints’ in the Scottish policy landscape