Mental Health First Aid: why is it important and why do we do it?

Mental Health First Aid: why is it important and why do we do it?

Our research team has recently completed Mental Health First Aid courses, which means that we are now recognised as Mental Health First Aiders. One of our researchers, Hannah Johnstone, explains why this is important. As a social research company, we at Horizons often work with qualitative data. For us, that means that we listen to…

Transforming Family Services in Scotland: Supporting Whole Family Approaches

Transforming Family Services in Scotland: Supporting Whole Family Approaches

Whole Family Support is an area of significant ongoing activity in Scotland. The Scottish Government has committed to investing hundreds of millions of pounds to support transformative systems change towards prevention and early intervention, and children’s services planning partnerships (CSPPs) in local authorities across the country have been tasked with leading this shift in the…

The Horizons Team forrest bathing at Lauriston Castle, Edinburgh

Forest Bathing with Eve

With not a swimsuit in sight, nor a lake or a pool the Horizons Research team took an afternoon out in Edinburgh for an afternoon of forest bathing at Lauriston Castle. Fully weatherproofed for Scotland (i.e. dressed for all four seasons) and with open minds we met Eve at the entrance to the castle, where…

Clackmannanshire: a Community Approach to Preventive Services

Clackmannanshire: a Community Approach to Preventive Services

Earlier this year, Horizons was commissioned by the Scottish Government as an Evaluation Learning Partner to the Family Wellbeing Partnership (FWP) in Clackmannanshire. The WFP which began in 2020, is helping to develop and support a resilient community ecosystem in Clackmannanshire by implementing a systemic shift towards preventative and relational public services, and ensuring that…